Genealogy of our Grandparents: the families Wagenmakers, van Bommel, Messerli and Künzi.
It is presented in the internet by means of the
GedMill Software build by
The Logic
The use of GedMill is very simple :
New: switchable between Deutsch and Englisch
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As an Alternatine to GedMill I have created the genealogy with:
(click on this graphic *)
How was this genealogy started?
In 1986 I started with the creation of this genealogy.
I had received Software by Mormons (programmed in
"Genealogy On Display". This was expanded over
the years with inputs of the family. Essentially
1. First Clementina Cook-van Bommel (GB)
She gave me the hint to Gedmill and also her Gedcom file.
2. The second pedigree of Messerlis of Robert Messerli
3 Robert Varman Sydney Australia
4 Jacob Imke Wagenmakers: "Werboek
van de familie Wagenmakers"
5 "Ringnaldas's fan Friens" by R. van Wijngaarden
6 William Vos: "A Story
Of Love"
7 Last but not least, the many invaluable tips from members of the mentioned four families:
for more information contact: