Sunset, view on mountain Pfannenstiel


Infopendula serves as a basis to stay in touch with friends. I want to publish information, pictures and other signs of life at irregular intervals. Comments from your side are therefore very welcome.

Infopendula informes, but should not be in competition with the news media, but an addition to current issues, including persistent information, such as Tai Ji and Qi Gong, music, nature and technology including genealogy, etc..

Focus is on genealogy. It was and is the idea to provide a specific reference work on more than 350 years of our family history. According to the motto, if you want to know where the future goes, you should know where you come from.

The blog is a place where the daily events are recorded. With the tremendous development of Facebook, I have the impression that the blog is obsolete. The blog has the advantage that it is relatively easy to find past events quickly.

Since January 2009 I have an entry in Facebook
. The entries in the blog and Facebook therefore overlap some time.